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Quality Policy
The cornerstone of Union Semi’s quality, reliability and Service (QRS) Program is to achieve 100% customer satisfaction by producing the most technically advanced product with the best quality, on time delivery and service. Management and every employee are fully committed to this goal. The quality concept at Union Semi flourishes because of the significant sales and manufacturing benefits it provides, Customers require quality, and quality can improves our profitability.
The high quality product, on time delivery and excellent service were made possible by the commitment and dedication of employees who pay attention to details and whose motto is “Do the job right the first time”.
Customer requirements and expectations in the areas of quality and service are becoming increasingly more demanding, Union Semi not only intends to meet those requirements and expectations for survival, but also exceed them to maintain customer loyalty.
The standard will be error free products and error free performance. This standard commits all of Union Semi’s employees to a QRS policy that takes precedence over all other considerations and leaves no room for error or failures. Our Goal is Zero Defects.
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